Life Jacket

for your drone

Because accidents happen.

What if...?

Flying by the river, at the coast, or over the lake? All it takes is a few seconds of distraction and your drone could be gone forever.

Tricky recovery

Recovering a drone from muddy and murky waters is not always safe or possible, not to mention jumping in the open sea. Panic only makes it worse.

More confidence, better shots

With OBUOY™ Life Jacket, you can fly with peace and focus on getting the best shot knowing your drone is safe from drowning.


Easy recovery

OBUOY™ is designed to keep your drone afloat in case it falls into the water, helping you to recover it quickly and reducing the probability of permanent damage.

Easy recovery

OBUOY™ is designed to keep your drone afloat in case it falls into the water, helping you to recover it quickly and reducing the probability of permanent damage.



With just 6.9 g, there is virtually no difference in the flight characteristics and the total weight still falls under the 250 g restriction limit.


Extra protection

OBUOY™ jacket effectively absorbs shocks on impact and prevents scratches.


Name tag

OBUOY™ comes with an optional velcro name tag. Most countries require this “license plate” by law to identify the owner.


Better visibility

The High-vis strap makes your drone easier to spot.



With just 6.9 g, there is virtually no difference in the flight characteristics and the total weight still falls under the 250 g restriction limit.


Name tag

OBUOY™ comes with an optional velcro name tag. Most countries require this “license plate” by law to identify the owner.


Extra protection

OBUOY™ jacket effectively absorbs shocks on impact and prevents scratches.


Better visibility

The High-vis strap makes your drone easier to spot.

Easy Installation

Fasten the strap, secure it with velcro, and off you go.

How to install OBUOY™

How to add the Name tag


Fly with peace of mind

Don't let that crumbling feeling that something will go wrong stop you from getting the ultimate shot.

Compatible with:


$ 19.99

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