

Need help? Drop us a line at support@obuoy.info

What is OBUOY™?

OBUOY™ is an accessory for your drone designed to prevent it from drowning in case it falls into the water. Additionally, it provides better crash protection and carries your contact information.

Does it make my drone waterproof?

OBUOY™ does not waterproof your drone. We do not guarantee that your drone or the memory card will survive the water exposure.

Can I land on water with OBUOY™?

OBUOY™ is not a water landing gear. We recommend being extremely cautious when flying around water and always checking for obstacles.

My drone has been exposed to water. What should I do?

In case your drone came in contact with the water, we recommend acting fast, and following the steps from our community-made guide in the Tips & Tricks section.

Is OBUOY™ available outside of US Amazon?

Yes! Shipping is now available to EU, UK, as well as US. You can make your order here.

Can I use OBUOY™ with other drones?

OBUOY™ has been designed specifically for DJI Mini 2, DJI Mini SE and 1st generation DJI Mavic Mini. While it might fit on other drones of similar size and weight, use it at your own risk. We do not guarantee appropriate function (unobstructed sensors, etc.) with unsupported drones.

Do you plan to support other drones?

Our team is working around the clock to expand our product range.


Tips & Tricks

Discover the tips & tricks to make the the most out of your drone.

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